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Founded in his Ohio-based garage in 1994, Swiss+Tech is the creation With their unique design and myriad of uses, Swiss+Tech tools
of mechanical engineer Larry K. Legg. While working at a mechanical became an overnight success and earned a number of patents. As
accessory parts company, Legg saw a need for multi-purpose tools time went by, Swiss+Tech became a renowned international brand.
that were smaller and more compact than what was currently on the
market. Leveraging his engineering background, he set out to make Today, Swiss+Tech is proud to be a part of GreatStar Tools U.S.A.,
his own micro sized multi-tools. The end result? A collection of the a subsidiary of the GreatStar Group of companies. Swiss+Tech
most compact and useful multi-tools ever developed. Infused with and GreatStar are joining forces to take the Swiss+Tech brand and
American innovation and Swiss craftsmanship, Legg appropriately product offering to an entirely new level. So no matter what your
named his new line of micro sized multi-tools Swiss+Tech. next project or outdoor adventure has in store, Swiss+Tech tools,
lights and knives will be there when you need them - to ensure
things get done right.
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